Hormone Imbalances: Why You Should Consider Getting Tested

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Feeling tired all the time? Do you notice a change in your mood or appetite? Is your libido lower than normal?

If you answered yes to any of these, you may be experiencing hormone imbalances. There are a wide variety of symptoms ranging from weight gain to low sex drive and difficulty sleeping.

To make matters worse, if you don’t keep your hormones in check, it could ultimately lead to chronic health problems. This is why it’s important to get your hormone levels tested.

What is a Hormonal Imbalance?

As your body’s chemical messengers, hormones move throughout the body instructing tissues and organs how to function. They play a major role in many bodily processes.

If you’re experiencing imbalanced hormone levels, there is either too much or too little of a specific hormone. Even slight shifts can cause a significant impact in the overall function of your body.

Think of hormones like ingredients in a baking recipe. Those measurements need to be precise in order for the dish to taste delicious. It spells disaster if there’s too much or too little of an ingredient.

5 Signs You Should Consider Getting Tested

Hormone testing is an important consideration to make when you're faced with any new changes in the following:

·       Mood

·       Libido

·       Body weight

·       Attitude

·       Energy

5 Possible Causes of Hormonal Imbalance

There are many common causes of hormone imbalance. They include:

·       Stress

·       Age

·       Diet

·       Lifestyle

·      Substance abuse

When hormones are out of balance, it can impact not only how you feel but also how you look. If you’re making smart lifestyle choices – exercise and a balanced diet - and your body still isn’t responding, it’s an indication that something may be going on internally.

Since most hormones are found in the blood, a blood test is a quick and easy way to check your levels. Blood work can help reveal underlying causes of any condition that can easily be managed and controlled through hormone therapy.

What You May Want to Consider Getting Tested For

·       Cortisol

·       Insulin

·       Testosterone

·       Estrogen

·       Thyroid

·       IGF-1

·       Food sensitivity

·       Heavy metal toxicity

·       Mineral deficiency

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Tests and Diagnosis

There isn’t one test to determine a hormonal imbalance. The first step is to make an appointment for a physical exam. Discuss your symptoms with your doctor and make a list of all medications you’re currently taking.

To make sure you’re prepared, here are several questions you can expect:

  • Have you gained or lost weight lately?

  • Is your energy level lower than usual?

  • Are you feeling more stressed than normal?

  • Do you have difficulty getting an erection? (for the men)

  • Do you experience frequent dryness during sex? (for the women)

  • How often are you experiencing symptoms?

Based on your symptoms, your physician may request one or numerous diagnostic tests.

The Bottom Line

Hormones are a major part of your overall health. When they’re out of whack, it can lead to a variety of health complications. So, it’s up to you to be mindful of your systems and get tested when you sense something’s off.