Combat Mid-Afternoon Cravings with These Healthy Snacks

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It’s 3pm and that familiar feeling starts to creep up on you. Your energy is down, but you still have so much work to finish. The vending machine across the office is calling your name. And even though you know it’s wrong you can’t help yourself. Before you know it, you’re back at your desk with a bag of Skittles and a guilty conscience.

If this sounds like you, you’re not alone. Many of us struggle with mid-afternoon cravings. Contrary to popular belief, food cravings aren't a sign of weakness, and while it feels like we lack willpower, it’s just your body’s way of saying you need to refuel.

The Science Behind Food Cravings

Foods that are high in carbs and fat light up the reward center of our brains. It triggers the release of dopamine, one of the body’s top “feel good” chemicals.

The more fatty, sugary and carb-filled foods we eat, the more dopamine is created. The danger is that over time your reward center needs more to feel the same level of pleasure. This is similar to a drug addict who needs more and more drugs over time to feel the same high.

And now to talk about another animal entirely: sugar. Studies show that the brain reacts the same way to sugar as it does to other addictive substances. “Like drugs, the motivation to obtain sugar appears to grow with the length of abstinence,” according to research published in Neuroscience and Biobehavorial Reviews.

This is why (as much as we wish things were different) we crave chocolate and ice cream instead of carrots and chick peas.

The good news is that many of our eating habits are learned behaviors, which means they can be unlearned. Many of us unconsciously have associations with certain foods. For example, you may always stop by the bakery on your lunch break to grab a croissant and coffee. Or when you’re stressed at work, a Snickers bar is your go-to coping mechanism.

To break a bad habit, you need to replace it with a positive one. So, the next time you’re tempted to get the croissant or Snickers, opt for these healthier options instead. Through repetition, you will become used to choosing the healthy snacks over the unhealthy ones.

The Next Time Hunger Strikes Grab these 4 Snacks

1.     Grass-fed beef sticks 

This high-protein, low carb food will keep those hunger pains at bay. And unlike many other snacks, meat is packed with healthy minerals such as zinc and iron.

2.     Nuts and seeds

As a great source of healthy fats, nuts and seeds should be a staple snack. Also, when you’re shopping, chose dry or roasted nuts - they are filled with the most nutrients.

And here’s a fun fact: Eating nuts and seeds every day can reduce your risk of diabetes and heart disease and also increase longevity.


3.     Raw vegetables with hummus 

This low-sodium, high-protein dip is made of chickpeas, olive oil and tahini, with garlic, lemon juice and black pepper seasonings. Rich in nutrients, this delicious snack can help manage your cholesterol levels and improve your heart health.

While you can dip numerous foods in hummus, the healthiest choice is raw veggies.

4.     Protein smoothie mixed with your favorite fruits and veggies 

Choose low-sugar fruits such as blackberries, raspberries and strawberries. As far as veggies, carrots and leafy greens are nutritious and tasty vegetables that pair well with fruit.

In terms of liquid, water or coconut water is recommended by dietary experts – especially if you’re conscious of your calorie intake!

Happy snacking!

Chris DiVecchio