How to Identify Muscle Imbalances and Why it’s Important

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What’s the most important thing to keep in mind when building a house? A strong and stable foundation. Carpenters know that if the weight isn’t distributed properly, the frame will eventually break down.


The human body is the same. For optimal function and movement, your muscles need to be balanced. If an opposing muscle is stronger than the other, it will cause an imbalance and over time, this imbalance can lead to injury.


What are Muscle Imbalances?


As the name suggests, muscle imbalances are the result of one muscle being stronger than its opposing muscle.


One of the most common examples is what happens when you sit at a desk all day. Your chest and ab muscles naturally pull your shoulders forward, which creates an imbalance in terms of the strength in the front of your body and your back. While you may not notice an issue at first, the imbalance can cause health problems down the line.


There are two types of muscle imbalances: body muscular imbalance and joint muscular imbalance.

Body muscular imbalance. When it comes to size and strength, muscles should be symmetrical. If you have muscles that are stronger or weaker, larger or smaller on one side of your body, this creates an imbalance.

Joint muscular imbalance. The same applies to the muscles that surround our joints. For optimal movement and range of motion, these muscles use opposing force to keep our body aligned. An imbalance occurs when there is a difference in size or strength with corresponding muscles.


So, how can you tell if you have a muscle imbalance?




The Symptoms


1.     Pain


This is the number one symptom of muscle imbalances. Pain is your body telling you that something is wrong. It’s your job to listen to it and adjust accordingly.


2.     Limited mobility and range of motion


Have daily movements that were once easy now become difficult? When you work out at the gym do you find you aren’t as strong or flexible?


Exercising with imbalances will lead to more imbalances and perpetuate the issue. So, if you start to feel something is off, don’t wait! Chances are the problem will only escalate if you ignore it.


3.     Unbalanced appearance


Do you feel yourself standing or leaning to one side? Oftentimes, a leg or hip imbalance will cause this or one foot might be turned out while the other is straight.


Look in the mirror when you get out of the shower. See if you notice one shoulder higher than the other, one hip is higher than the other, and one arm or leg bigger than the other.  If these imbalances are present and not resolved, it’s only a matter of time before they develop into something more severe.  


What You Can Do


Everything in your body is connected. What affects one part affects all parts. So, if you’re feeling an imbalance it’s important to take action early. The good news is imbalances can often be corrected through exercise.


Don’t wait until you experience chronic pain or injury. By identifying the symptoms of muscle imbalance, you can take the steps you need to take to heal.

Chris DiVecchio