5 Surprising Reasons Why You’re Having a Hard Time Losing Weight

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Let’s face it: if losing weight were easy, obesity wouldn’t be the epidemic it is today. In fact, did you know your body fights weight loss? It’s true!

Even if you see amazing results, it’s not a guarantee - 90% of people who have lost a ton of weight will gain it back. Before you panic, there is good news! By understanding what is happening in your body, you can take back control of your health, lose the weight and keep it off.

It comes down to two major factors: metabolism and hormones. The more pounds you drop, the more your metabolism tries to compensate (metabolic compensation) by slowing down to maintain your current weight. Weight loss also leads to a rise in hunger hormones (increased appetite), telling your body, “eat more!”

Think of your body like a thermostat. When it gets hotter or colder than the programmed temperature in your home, your HVAC system gets to work in order to stabilize it. The same principle applies when you lose weight and change your current physical state - your body will instinctively fight you every step of the way.

So, now that you know the root of the problem, I’m going to dive into five surprising lifestyle mistakes that may be making matters worse:

1.     A high calorie deficit


This ties back into the metabolic compensation concept I mentioned earlier. Picture your metabolism as a fire. It requires wood (food) to burn strong.  As the flames starts to die down, the fire will burn out if you don’t continue to put more logs on.

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2.     You’re eating too much of a good thing


One of the best examples to use here is avocados. Yes, they are great for you, but if you’re eating too much, you could be going way above your daily fat intake. This will make it difficult for your body to lose weight.


Nuts are another type of food that are good for your body, but only in moderation. A handful is all you need to get enough nutrients.


3.     You’re eating more than you think


For instance, if you break out the food scale, you realize you’re eating 12 ounces of protein instead of 8 ounces.  Or you realize that the half cup of rice is really a cup and a half.  This is why measuring correctly is important. Portion control is everything!


If you’re unsure how many calories you should be consuming, check out these dietary guidelines.


4.     You’re stressed out


It’s no secret that stress can lead to a wide range of health issues, and weight gain is no exception. Research shows high levels of systemic stress drive up cortisol levels - cortisol is what causes your body to retain fat.


To put it simply, “more stress = more cortisol = higher appetite for junk food = more belly fat,” says Shawn M. Talbott, PhD, a nutritional biochemist.



5.     You’re not getting enough sleep


Sleep deprivation causes lethargy, which signals our body to look for quick sources of energy. Hello, sugar!


Did you know exhaustion is often mistaken for hunger? Oftentimes, our body can’t tell the difference between being tired and hungry. This is because when we’re tired our hormones are out of balance. Grehlin (the hormone that signals we’re hungry) levels go up and leptin (the hormone that signals we’re full) levels go down. This leads to feelings of hunger, even when our bodies don’t actually need food.


Do you identify with any on this list? Now that you know the reasons why you may be struggling to lose weight, you can take the necessary steps to create positive, lasting change!

Chris DiVecchio